Twenty eight years of existence……..
Looking back on my accomplishments, how far I've come, how much I've grown personally and professionally, I feel proud. I've gained such valuable perspective and knowledge, I've built myself a career and a reputation, I've gained the respect of my music peers, and have a strong following of genuine believers. When I last wrote, I was feeling very defeated, frustrated, a bit scared. Since my return from Florida, I am blessed to report that some major developments and opportunities have come knocking my way. These past few weeks have made me realize how much support I have, and most of all, how incredibly lucky I am.
With gratitude to my family, fan base, and friends, I officially will be taking my music on the road to twelve new cities, and getting to spend time in Nashville, TN. All thanks to Kickstarter, I was able to get funded the proposed money in order to make this happen. I am extremely humbled by people's generosity and encouragement to achieve all I aspire to accomplish. I never realized how many people were rooting for me, how many cared. With the exception of my family, and those closest to me, I just figured nobody cared at all. I began this entire project with hesitation and without any expectations. I really never anticipated reaching my goal, despite desperately wanting to make it a reality. Although I've been going through all the motions, doing a lot of leg work with booking and organizing, it still hasn't fully settled in that this is actually going to happen. Whenever I think about it, I can feel the butterflies fluttering in my core.
As of lately, I find myself unable to sleep soundly as my mind is occupied by a swarm of ideas and aspirations. I'm currently juggling a lot on my plate, and keeping myself more organized than ever in avoidance of having a nervous breakdown.
I have been writing non-stop for the past few weeks between co-writing with my good friend Chris Krtanik, and for a new album which I'm itching to record. I am putting my project somewhat on hold, as I'm waiting to finish recording the debut album for "Lyndon Marsh." The project should be nearing it's completing by the end of May. I am very proud to be among the musicians performing on this album. The experience has been extremely valuable, and I feel my ability has strengthened because of it. I'm honored to play such a significant role in the process, and am looking forward to our future as a group.
Chris and I have been friends for years, and I really admire him for all that he is as a song-writer and person. What began as just hired studio work has developed into something unexpected, yet very special. I've been searching for a songwriter like him to write and collaborate with, but struggled to find the right fit. Although our styles differ, we bear many similarities in the way we write and compose our music. We have a lot to learn from one another, and naturally a new sound is developing the more we work collaboratively. It almost feels like I've met someone who finishes my sentences, except our sentences are verses, and we've know each other for years. I can't wait to see where time takes us, for this album to be complete, and for you all to witness some of the best work I've ever done.
Working on Lyndon Marsh's album has me brainstorming for my next album. This next album, like Lyndon Marsh, will be fully produced, and with full instrumentation. I already have in mind exactly who I want to perform on my album, which songs, how many tracks, and a game plan configured in terms of finding time to effectively get all those involved in the studio and recording. My goal is to record and release and EP before hitting the road for Nashville. I want this album to exemplify the progression I feel, and showcase some of my strongest writing material.
Within the past few weeks, I've been meeting with Wol Omer of River Nile Media productions, in discussing a story line, and doing promotional photos in anticipation of my first music video for Frankie O'Solovely collaboration and original song "Be Free." A true man of talent and vision, I am extremely pleased and excited to be working with Wol, and can't wait to begin filming. Belvedere vodka has agreed to make its presence, and we are currently looking to establish our location for the shoot. Hunter Mountain has expressed some interest, but I won't know for sure for another week or two whether that will be our shooting destination. I'd like to include all those who wish to be involved. The song itself is very free spirited with a party vibe. If all works accordingly to plan, I'd like to organize a day bus trip for those from Rochester/Buffalo to come enjoy the day by the pool/jacuzzi, drink top shelf liquor, have a BBQ lunch and be a part of the music video.
With so much to look forward to, I can't help but feel that maybe I've done something right after all. Life has an interesting way of showing it's appreciation for those who appreciate it most.